Four Week Old Photos

Here I am trying to take a serious photo and Fiona can't keep her paws off me.

This is the slide that mom setup for us. I'm just waitin' for Bronx to get out of my way so I can play on it.

Man, this sittin' still stuff is painful. I need to be exploring and playing with my brothers and sisters!

Here's my left side ...

Here's my right side ...

I'll just see if I can slip away from mom.

And we are off! Let's see where these new smells lead us.

Me and my sister Emmy. Someone stole her tail! Maybe it was that “vet” that took it?

Here I am with Emmy again but I seem to have an obstacle in my path. Instead of taking the easy way around it I'm just gonna go straight over it!

Well, I got over it. Now I guess I'd better decide if I want to play with it or find something else to smell.

Here comes mom. Everybody act natural.

Wow, it's gettin' pretty crowded at the snack bar.

Here we are in this dumb crate. I guess I'll just relax until we can get out for a while.

This is Fiona, in front, with Gus and Jazzy following. I'm coming to but I thought I heard something behind us. That would be just like a brother to try to sneak up on us!

That's mom, stepping over Jazzy trying to follow Gidget, while Gus and I trying to smell mom but she won't stand still.